A night club in Amsterdam / My best friend’s concerned gaze / A filthy man’s touch / A recollection of the past / Midnight strobe lights / Gag over a puddle / “You never talk about what happened to you.” / What would words do?
Student housing in Prague / The soft blue glow of the laptop / World News / Trump is elected / Head in the gutter of hopelessness / The American dream was only a dream
The bus terminal in Budapest / A late arrival and navigational confusion / Snot on my puffer jacket / Wind lashing the face like a belt/ This is how I imagined Siberia / A barren wasteland of cold / Do I have to sleep on a bench tonight?
My studio in Northern Thailand / A bed full of sweat / MDMA come down / New Year’s morning / Calling in 2022 with existential despair / My Russian lover kisses the tears from my face / Salty / A walnut brownie for lunch / Followed by a stomach-ache
A village in Southern Turkey / Sex feels meaningless / Love feels frivolous / Art feels useless / Throw myself into the ocean / In the precipice of winter / I freeze / I feel my body sting / I feel my heart beat hummingbird fast / A clock in the chest / I feel / I feel / I can feel