Bodies pass one another a thousand times
But so few meet
There is the urge of flesh
There is the tenderness of heart
There is the comprehension of mind
Can each part speak?
Can they find an agreement to live by?
The flesh screams to fuck
The heart yearns to love
The mind attempts to understand
On night’s like tonight the flesh wins
The full moon is bloodied
The Bili trees moan like exasperated women
The clouds disappear then reappear
You are silent and beautiful
In your nation of brown skin
I sense comfort
So much God is here
In this wild jungle of desire we follow the call of nature
“Create” she coaxes
And as her children we obey
Salt and spit and sweat commence
Delirious in passion’s arms
I take you in
The bed creaks like an old boat at sea
My waters run deep
Climax is rising
But something / disrupts us /
An object falls from a shelf onto the bed
It's a black marbled statue of Buddha
He lays next to our nakedness
He was the central figure of compassion
Liberating the masses from suffering
Buddha said desire creates suffering
Freedom lays in no desire
Nibbana then follows
Desire led me to this jungle of joy
Desire propelled me to move
And my desire brought me to you